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2023-01-05 寓言故事



  Out in the wells of the fox and the goat  A fox fall fell into the wells, regardless of how he can not still struggling to climb up and had to stay there. The goat feel very thirsty, come to this Jingbian, see the fox in the shaft, then asked his drinking well water Haobu ? The opportunity to find a fox, the hearts of Anxi, calm down immediately, strongly praise drinking well water, saying that this water is Tianxiadiyi-chuen, Qingtian refreshing, and advised goats quickly down, and he Tongyin.As one would like to drink plenty of water believed the goat, it unthinkingly to jump down, when he Gudong Gudongtongyin the latter, and the fox would have to discuss with Wells on the way.Fox already prepared for his cunning and said: "I do have a method. Qianjiao expense you use wells in the wall, then the vertical angle, I jumped from the wells back to you, then pull your line, we have Saved. "Goat agreed to his proposal, his Houjiao fox walk, jump to his back and then forced jump from the corner, jumped out of the wellhead. Boost after the fox, ready to flee alone. The goat accused the fox does not keep its promises. Looking back on the goat Fox said: "Hey, friend, do you mind if you like the beard so perfect, you will not see in the not export before blindly jump."








  今天,我讀了一個故事,叫貍和公山羊掉進井里》的故事。故事講述了一只狐貍不小心掉進了井里,無論掙扎多少都不能上來。于是,它還把路過的公山羊騙進了井里。狐貍用優美的語言說:親愛的山羊先生,你先把我托起來,然后我就把你拉起來。公山羊信以為真,毫不憂郁地托住狐貍。狐貍上去后準備開溜,公山羊說:你為什么不把我拉上來?狐貍回頭冷笑著說:嘿,朋友們,如果你的頭腦像你的胡子一樣完美,你就不會在看到出口之前沖動跳下去。 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫
