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2023-04-24 高考

The fire started on Sunday morning in the house of the King’s baker (面包師)in Pudding Lane. The baker, with his wife and family, was able to get out through a window in the roof. A strong wind blew the fire from the bakery (面包房)into a small hotel next door. Then it spread quickly into Thames Street. That was the beginning.

The underlined word “family” in the second paragraph means.

A. homeB. childrenC. wife and husband D. wife and children

根據句子結構,family和baker、wife、它們之間應該是平行的,表示類似的概念,即“家庭”。Home是“家庭”,而不是“家庭”,與baker, wife不是一個類似的概念,可以排除;句子中已經提到過; baker 和wife,因此,C、D在概念上與前文重復,也可以排除,因此,只有B才是正確的。另一個例子:

A bike tour and race will be held on August 26 and 27(Sat. & Sum.). At 5:30am, the riders will leave Tian’anmen Square and ride the first 35 kilometres as a training leg. Then the next 55 kilometre leg, from Yanjiao to Jixian, will be the first competitive(競爭性) part of the tour. The riders and their bikes will then be taken from Jixian to Changli.

The second racing leg of the tour will be from Changli to the seaside of Nandaihe, covering a distance of 20 kilometres. …

The underlined word “leg” in “Bicycle tour and race” probably means _____.

A. race B. practice C. part of the training D. part of the tour

段落中有三個句子的表達和表達 leg 與意思有關,即: “…as a training leg”; “…Then the next 55 lilometre leg will be the first competitive part of the tour”; “The second racing leg of the tour…”。從上述表述來看,leg這個詞既包含了training的意思,也包含了race的意思。從上述表述來看,leg這個詞既包含了training的意思,也包含了race的意思。A選項只包含“race”的意思、B、C兩個選項只包括在內 training 只有D選項包含D選項的含義 race 還包含了training的含義 意思,符合文意,所以,是正確的答案。

6. 根據文章的背景進行判斷。例如:

JINTAN, JIANGSU: The 20 students — 18 boys and 2 girls —had a thousand reasons to be proud of themselves. They had just climbed their way to the top rung(階梯)out of 4 million students taking part in the Fifth National Hua Luogeng Gold Cup Mathematics Contest (競賽)on Tuesday evening.

The 20 gold medal winners are all primary and middle school students under the age of 14. ‘Many of the problems are of college level and these pupils can figure them out. It is just unbelievable!’ said a teacher from Guangdong province.

The underlined phrase ‘figure out’ in the text means _____.

A. work out B. add upC. guessD. study

本文描述了第五屆全國華羅庚杯數學競賽的獲獎情況,以及“標記部分”them”指的是“many of the problems因此,根據文章中描述的比賽背景,可以得出結論,劃線部分的動詞應該是計算的意思,只有選項A符合意思,所以可能是正確的答案。

Quietly, the graying of America has made us a very different society— one in which people have a quite different idea of what kind of behavior (行為)is suitable (合適) at various ages.

The underlined word ‘one’ refers to _____.

A. a society B. America  C. a place  D. population


精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

Tags:英語   推斷   高考
