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2022-12-21 英語


  This article focuses on "Received Pronunciation" (RP), the stereotypical British accent mainly spoken in the south of England, and exaggerated by the upper classes, giving it the nickname "the Queen's English". There are greatly differing accents across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and for a more regional or 'authentic' accent, it's best to choose one particular area, and try to learn that accent instead. Adopting British mannerisms while speaking will also help for authenticity.

  本文的重點是如何發送“RP”(Received Pronunciation)英式英語,即典型的英式英語,主要用于南方英格蘭和上流社會。這種口音也被稱為“女王的英語”。英格蘭、蘇格蘭、威爾士和北愛爾蘭都有很多不同的英語口語,所以我們最好選擇一個特定的口音,我們最好選擇一個特定的區域,然后嘗試學習那個地方的口音。說英語時采用英國人的言語和行為也會幫助你使口音更加純正。

  Part 1



  Start with the Rs.


  Understand that in most British accents speakers don't roll their Rs (except for those from Scotland, Northumbria, Northern Ireland, and parts of Lancashire), but not all British accents are the same. For example, a Scottish accent varies greatly from an English accent. After a vowel, don't pronounce the R, but draw out the vowel and maybe add an "uh" (Here is "heeuh"). In words like "hurry", don't blend the R with the vowel. Say "huh-ree".


  In American English, words ending with "rl" or "rel" can be pronounced using either one or two syllables, completely interchangeably. This is not the case in British English. "-rl" words like "girl", "hurl", etc, are pronounced as one syllable with silent R, while "squirrel" is "squih-rul", and "referral" is "re-fer-rul".


  Some words are easier to say in a British accent. For example, mirror, which sounds like "mih-ra". Do not say "mirror" like "mere"; British people almost never do that.


  Some awkward pauses in sentences are also removed by the addition of 'r' before a vowel. For example, "I saw it" becomes "I saw-rit", to avoid the pause between the words 'saw' and 'it'. Another example is "Bacteria are small", pronounced "Bacteria-rar-small".

  在句子中一些奇怪的停頓可以在元音字母前添加“r”來改善。舉個例子,“I saw it”會被發成“I saw-rit”,來避免“saw”和“it”中的停頓。另一個例子是“Bacteria are small”,它會被發音成“Bacteria-rar-small”。

  Part 2



  Pronounce U in stupid and in duty with the ew or "you" sound.


  Avoid the oo as in prounounced; thus it is pronounced stewpid or commonly schewpid, not stoopid, etc. duty would be pronounced dewty or more often jooty. In the standard English accent, the A (for example, in father) is pronounced at the back of the mouth with an open throat—it sounds like "arh". This is the case in pretty much all British accents, but it's exaggerated in RP. In southern England and in RP, words such as "bath", "path", "glass", "grass" also use this vowel (barth, parth, glarss, grarss, etc.). However, in other parts of Britain "bath", "path", etc. sound like "ah".


  Part 3



  Sometimes drop the Ts.


  With some accents, including cockney accents, Ts aren't pronounced in words where Americans use D to replace it. However, there is usually a short pause or "hiccup" in its place. "Battle" might be pronounced ba-ill. This is known as the glottal stop. use glottal stops, too, for words like "mittens" and "mountain". It's just that British use them more often.

  包括倫敦當地口音在內的一些口音,“T”不像美國人那樣發音“D”代替——“T”不發音。然而,“T”短暫停頓或短暫停頓經常發生在聲音所在的地方“打嗝”。“battle”可能發生“ba-ill”。這被稱作“聲門塞音”。在讀“mittens”或者“mountains”這樣的詞, 還應使用聲門塞聲。只是因為英國人經常使用這種發聲方法。

  People with Estuary English, RP, Scottish, Irish and Welsh accents do consider it lazy and rude to drop the Ts, and this feature doesn't exist, but in almost all accents it's accepted to do it in the middle of words in casual contexts and almost universal to put a glottal stop at the end of a word.


精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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