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2022-12-25 英語
12月23日 祝福網liuxue86.com英語頻道專門為您準備相關的學習資料,希望對您有所幫助。

feet, the carriers of life

good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

i would like to tell you about an unusual assignment. i was surprised and amused when our teacher told us our homework was to wash our feet carefully .

yeah, washing the feet is such a common daily activity that i’ve never paid much attention to it. my feet had been cooperating and helping each other, nearly always managing to get washed, while i was enjoying my readings. but that night, while i gently touched my feet in the hot water, i realized how nice and cozy bathing my feet could be.

deep in my mind, the hands always seemed superior to the feet. people use all sorts of things from soap to moisture cream to protect their hands. the feet become, kind of, neglected, since the feet spend all day long with the ground and dirt, and quite inevitably, get really smelly.

as i slowly soaped and rinsed my feet, i was beginning to understand why my teacher launched such a mission. she wanted us to realize that the feet were more helpful than we had ever imagined.

surely, the hands are important. however it’s the feet that carry your whole body weight, and everything about your life.

the feet carry you, as well as your hopes and dreams, and walk steadily upon the most solid ground, moving forward step by step, upon mountains and down valleys, over the smooth as well as the rough, through the bitterness as well as the joy.

as i was washing my feet, i let my mind wander. i felt as if i was on a vast desert. looking around, i saw millions of footprints, large and small, deep and shallow, being the marks of existence, and the traces of life. and there i was, using my own feet, making my own path, towards the oasis of life……

thank you.








常識普及:英語演講類型:1。敘述:向觀眾展示你的想法、經歷和事跡,并在他們看到和聽到的其他人的事跡或事件中使用它們。在敘述中,也可以使用討論和抒情。2.討論:擺事實,推理,既有事實材料,又有邏輯推斷,堅定的立場,明確的旗幟。3.解釋:向觀眾解釋真相,通過解釋真相或問題來建立觀點。 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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