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2023-03-20 英語

121. live on, live by
live on以…為主食,live by靠…謀生 live on fish/ live by fishing
122. beat, hit, strike
beat連續擊打;hit打中,對準打;strike打一下或者幾次打一下; beat the wings
123. meet, meet with
meet遇到,meet with體驗,遇到,遇到 meet with an accident
124. lose, miss
lose丟失(具體物體),錯過 sth. is lost, lose the chance;miss 想念,錯過sth. is missing,
miss the chance
125. be tired of, be tired with/from
be tired of厭煩…,be tired with/from因為…而累了 be tired with/from running 800 meters
126. care about, care for
care about關心、關心、關心,一般用于否定句;care 關心、照顧、喜歡、愿意、愿意
He doesn't care about his clothes. I don't care for movies.
127. catch a cold, have a cold
catch a cold不能和表示"一段時間"狀語連用,have a cold可以
She has had a cold for a week.
128. change for, change into
change for轉換為,change into變成了 Change the shirt for a bigger one. Water changes into ice.
129. continue, last
兩者都是連續的,continue主動,被動,last只能使用主動 The war continued/lasted five years. The story is to be continued.
130. feed, raise
飼養、飼養、飼養、飼養 (to give food to), raise飼養,育種,育種 (cause to grow, bring up children)
raise the family
131. go for a doctor, go to a doctor
go for a doctor去請醫生,go to a doctor去看醫生
132. notice, observe, catch sight of
notice注意到,observe觀察,仔細看,catch sight of突然看到了 observe the stars
133. insist on, stick to
insist on堅持要求,然后經常接doing, stick to堅持, 經常接sth. stick to the plan
134. look, seem, appear
look是指從外表上看,seem是指內心的判斷,appear是指給人以表面印象的 appear wise,
look like his father
135. gather, collect
gather將分散的東西集中在一起, collect是指精心、有選擇地收集 collect stamps
136. mean to do, mean doing
mean to do計劃,想做點什么,mean doing的意思是,
By this I mean giving the students more practice.
137. die from, die of
die from說死于(槍)傷、虛弱、過度勞累、過度飲食等,die of說死于疾病,饑餓,
寒冷、年老、悲傷、失戀等精神因素 die of hunger and cold
138. pay for, pay back, pay off
pay for為…付錢,pay back還錢,但不一定還清,pay off還清 pay for the book, pay off the debt
139. divide, separate
divide the apple, separate the houses
140. arrive, get, reach
arrive不如物動詞,后接in (大地點),at(小地點),得不到物動詞后接to,reach和物動詞
arrive in Beijing, get to Beijing, reach Beijing
141. grow, plant
plant the trees, trees are growing
142. manage, try
manage to do試圖做某事,try to do盡力做某事,但不一定成功
He tried to pass the exam, but he failed.
143. choose, select
choose根據個人判斷進行選擇,select有目的地仔細選擇 choose the best answer
144. build, put up, set up, found
build一般用語,建成,put up臨時施工,set up建成(內部設施基本齊全),
建成found國家或組織的建成 put up a tent, set up a school
145. be familiar to, be familiar with
be familiar to某物對某人來說是熟悉的,be familiar 某人熟悉某物with
The book is familiar to me. I'm familiar with the book.
146. agree with, agree to, agree on
agree with同意某人,agree to同意某事,agree on在…達成協議的主語是復數 agree with you, agree to the plan
147. throw to, throw at
throw to扔到…, throw at朝…扔 He throw a stone at me.
148. receive, accept
receive收到一些東西,但不一定接受,accept接受 I received a gift, but I didn't accept it.
149. wear, put on, dress
wear和dress表狀態,wear接衣服等,可用時,dress接人,be dressed in, put on表動作
It's cold outside. Put on your warm clothes.
150. listen, hear
listen強調動作,hear強調結果 I listened, but I heard nothing.
151. look, see, watch
watch強調物體的變化、移動和發展 TV
152. lie, lay
Lie躺著,位于(lay, lain),說謊(lied, lied),lay平放(laid, laid) lay the book 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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