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你最近也沉迷于Pokemon Go,一直想著捕捉精靈嗎

2023-04-29 英語

你最近也沉迷于Pokemon Go,一直想著捕捉精靈嗎?“中英雙語新聞:美國女孩玩《口袋妖怪GO》發現一具尸體”由祝福網英語考試網整理而出,祝您閱讀愉快!

The augmented reality game, which was released last week, gets people to catch virtual monsters using the person"s location on their phone.

游戲Pokemon Go上周發布,用戶可以通過使用手機上的個人定位來捕捉虛擬寵物精靈。

Nineteen-year-old Shayla Wiggins, from Wyoming, was told to find a Pokemon in a natural water source but instead found a man"s corpse.


"I was walking towards the bridge along the shore when I saw something in the water," she told County 10 news. "I had to take a second look and I realised it was a body."

威金斯接受County 10新聞采訪中表示:“我沿著河岸走到橋上,然后我發現水里有什么東西。我不得不再看一眼,然后我意識到這是一個人。”

Shayla, who"s living in a trailer park for the summer with her mum, said she"d jumped over a fence to get to the Pokemon shown on her map.


"It was pretty shocking," she said. "I didn"t really know what to do at first. But I called 911 right away and they came really quickly."


The body was found in the Big Wind River under the Wyoming Highway 789 Bridge. The local police department says there doesn"t appear to be any foul play involved.


"The death appears to be accidental in nature and possibly that of a drowning," said the Fremont County Sheriff"s Office in a statement. "There is no evidence at this time that would indicate foul play. Evidence located at the scene has led investigators to believe the man went into the water at the location he was found."


Pokemon Go has led to a spate of injuries in America. The game became the top grossing app in the iPhone store last week after its release in the US, Australia and New Zealand.

Pokemon Go在美國造成了許多傷害。這款游戲上周登陸美國、澳大利亞和新西蘭,隨后成為蘋果應用商店中最受歡迎的應用軟件。

Players have already reported wiping out in a variety of ways as they wander the real world with eyes glued to their smartphone screens in search of digital monsters.


Mike Schultz, a 21-year-old communications graduate in Long Island, New York, fell over while looking for Pokemon on his skateboard. He cut his hand on the pavement after hitting a crack.


"I just wanted to be able to stop quickly if there were any Pokemons nearby to catch," he says. "I don"t think the company is really at fault."

邁克說道:“我只是想,如果附近有小精靈可以抓,我可以馬上停下來。我不認為Pokemon。 Go公司有錯。” 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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