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unit 12 Famous PeopleNew Words

2023-05-17 英語

unit 12 Famous People

New Words and Expressions

1. record v. 錄音 錄制

2. hit n. 非常成功的事情(尤其是電影、歌曲或戲劇)

3. album n. 簿 冊;唱片

4. Ulm n. 烏爾姆(德意志聯邦共和國南部城市)(或烏耳姆)

5. theory of relativity 相對論

6. composer n. 作家 作曲家

7. playwright n. 劇作家 dramatist

8.Stratford-upon-Avon 斯特拉特福在埃文河畔 英國劇作家莎士比亞故鄉.

Warwickshire 沃里克郡

9. will n. 遺囑

10. out of 出于

11. beloved a./n. 被愛的(人)(人)

12. hit the ice 打冰球;也是一部著名的美國電影;-冰上曲棍球

e.g. He hit the ice well behind the puck and a little bit too much torque on the stick.他打在冰球后面的冰上,對球棒的扭力有點太大了。

13. get a real treat 受到款待 難得的享受

e.g. A day in the country is a real treat for a city person.


14. failure n. a situation in which something stops working or doesn’t produce衰竭

15. bring him around to cause him to regain conciousness 使他蘇醒

16. infect v. (疾病)感染 傳染

17. generous checks: Checks bearing amounts of money that are considered more than usual or unexpectedly large. Milton Petrie was a generous man who always showed kindness to people sffering from personal disasters by sending them checks bearing a sum of money that was more than they would exoect to receive.

18. at rink level behind the glass.

Reeve sat behind the shatterproof glass(防碎玻璃) in a position that is of the same height as the rink to watch the game. The word “rink” is used to refer to the arena(場地) for sports like skakting, ice hockey or curling.

19. incurable a. 無法治愈的 無可救藥的

20. vain a. 自負的 徒勞地

in vain ad. 白費力氣的 徒勞的

21. sociology n. 社會學

22. theology n. 神學 宗教研究

23. march n. 游行 示威

24. protester/or n. 抗議者

25. mourn v. 感到悲痛 哀悼

26. assassinate v. 暗殺 行刺

27. bestseller n. 暢銷書 暢銷帶/CD

《unit 12 Famous People》祝福網編輯精心為您學習英語準備.liuxue86.com 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

Tags:劇作家   冰球   冰上
