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2023-05-21 英語
12月23日 云煙霧liuxue86.com英語頻道專門為您準備相關的學習資料,希望對您有所幫助。

Mother Nature is an exquisite and complex life-system. It\"s charm appears in the trees, stream, soil, insects, moss and fungus, all the things on the earth in different shapes, which are interdependent. When you get close to nature, please remember, each tree, stone and species of animals here has lived harmoniously for hundreds, thousands or even millions of years. When we pass away, they will continue to live. They are the real masters, while we are just the passer-by. However, the conduct we unconsciously do, such as picking, lumbering, tramping and abusing can probably destroy the balance of their life. Therefore, we must reduce our bad influence as much as possible. While you are enjoying the nature, do not forget please, the beauty of the lives also needs to be concerned with and to be protected.

Each life on the earth has a long and touching evolutionary story. From the origin, the lives of the human being are equal to those of others; they both are the composing parts of Mother Nature. Nevertheless, for some inexplicable reasons, the human becomes the spirits of all creatures. Of course, it is the result of the evolution, but still we should be grateful to all our companions in nature for the opportunity they offer.

In spite of this, humans cannot live without earth. They live on the earth, drink the sweet water, and enjoy the sunshine, the air, the sky, the fruit; the grains utilize the energy and so on. In a word, the human being cannot live without nature, and Mother Nature makes us grow stronger.

I do not like the word "Pet", but preferring the word "Animal" instead. I have been loving animal since I was just a little boy. When thinking of the "Pet Fashion", I always feel much annoyed. For the animals will be given a shackle and lose their liberty if they become someone\"s pets. Their natural attribution can be deprived, too.

Up to now, relying on their scientific power, the human have opened up too much and over developed nature, in order to fill up their growing appetites of wealth. They destroy the balance of nature, however, they don\"t realize, their own development and existence will be threatened. Therefore, our sights should be focused on nature and we should try to develop the concept of "keeping human and nature in unity".

We should lay emphasis on our education with consider cultural and natural emotion. To use the vivid example to wake up the conscience in people\"s hearts.

To love nature is to love our mankind. As the new generation who enter the new century, we should make efforts to love and respect nature, to treat it well and protect it. Only in this way can we have a beautiful nature to enjoy it!

liuxue86.com名詞解釋:演講也叫演講,是在隆重的儀式上和一些公共場所發表的演講。 演講是演講的基礎,是演講內容和形式的規范和提示,體現了演講的目的和手段, 演講的內容和形式。演講是人們在工作和社會生活中經常使用的一種風格。它可以用來交流思想、感情、表達、表達、表達思想、感情 主張和意見;也可以用來介紹自己的學習、工作情況和經驗……等等;演講有宣傳、鼓包 動態、教育和欣賞等功能,它能向聽眾和讀者傳達演講者的觀點、觀點和思想感受,使演講者的觀點、觀點和感受 他們相信并在意識形態和情感上產生共鳴。 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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