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2023-01-25 祝福語


  1、白白的元宵,滾滾的圓,吃在嘴里香又甜。 White Lantern Festival, rolling round, eat in the mouth sweet.

  2、元宵佳節,愿你福相伴,樂逍遙!The Lantern Festival, I wish you happiness and happiness!

  3、送您一碗湯圓,祝生活甜甜蜜蜜!團團圓圓。 Send you a bowl of dumplings, I wish you a sweet life! Round and round.

  4、祝福元宵節快樂,希望你一切都好!Wish you a happy Lantern Festival. I hope you are all right!

  5、愿你生活步步高,給你溫暖來報道。May your life step by step higher and give you warmth to report.





  10、祝愿你心情好,事業妙,快快樂樂度元宵。 I wish you a good mood, wonderful career, happy Lantern Festival.

  11、你是餡我是面不如做個大元宵,你是燈我是紙不如做個大燈籠,你情我愿慶佳節,歡歡喜喜過一生!You are filling my is better to do a big yuanxiao, you are my lamp is better to do a big lanterns, paper you feeling I wish day, wonderful life!

  12、元宵節之際,祝你心中有首快樂的歌,新年快樂!On the occasion of the Lantern Festival, I wish you a happy song in your heart and a happy New Year!

  13、十五元宵節,舉杯邀明月;傾心祝福您,吉祥又安泰! On the 15th Lantern Festival, we'd like to invite the bright moon with a toast. We wish you luck and peace!

  14、三五良宵年映紅,月上元宵相約黃昏后,宵燈伴你綿繡前程事事通,月圓情緣財源愿愿隨心!歡樂今宵! Three night in flames the month on yuanxiao reunion after dusk night lights with you future cotton embroidery everything love revenue may want to do a full moon! Happy tonight!

  15、元宵節到了,祝你團團圓圓,圓圓滿滿! The Lantern Festival is coming. I wish you a happy and happy life!

  16、白糕紅糕糯米糕,吃完過后樣樣高,年年薪水在升高,事業看好步步高,甜圓咸圓芝麻圓,品完過后事。 Eat white pudding red glutinous rice glutinous rice cake, after all, high salary is on the rise year after year, career on a backgammon, salty sweet circle round sesame round, after the finished product.

  17、Happy Lantern Festival, always happy!

  18、When the Lantern Festival is coming, I will send you a bowl of happy Lantern Festival.

  19、年元宵節肯定不放假。因為這一天是2月15日,正好是星期二,正常上班時間。所以說是不會放假的,根據上級文件精神,元旦,清明,五一,中秋,國慶是法定節假日,元宵節等不在其中,大家只能正常上班,安心工作,做好本職工作,通過其他方式進行慶祝。 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

