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2023-07-14 祝福語

142、The Christmas vacation gives students a much-needed break from school.

143、Going on a guided tour to explore holiday light displays in the city is a festive and informative way to see Christmas sights. 參加引導游,探索城市中的節日燈飾展示,是一個歡慶并查詢圣誕景點的方法。

144、Trying out different winter sports such as ice hockey, ice fishing or snowshoeing is an active way to spend Christmas. 嘗試不同的冬季運動,如冰球、冰釣或雪鞋是一個積極的過圣誕的方式。

145、The Christmas dance choreography was complex and intriguing.

146、Attending a festive Christmas party with friends and family is a fun way to celebrate the holiday. 參加與朋友和家人一起舉辦的歡樂的圣誕派對是慶祝節日的有趣方式。


148、Experiencing a serene Christmas Eve mass at a beautiful church is a spiritual journey. 在美麗的教堂經歷平靜的圣誕夜彌撒是一場精神之旅。

149、The costumes were a spectacular visual display, adding to the festive atmosphere and captivating the audience.

150、Christmas break is a time for peace, joy, and gratitude for all the blessings in our lives.



153、The dance was a reflection of the joy and warmth that surrounds the holiday season.


155、I'm looking forward to the Christmas break so I can travel to new places and experience different cultures.

156、I'm excited for the Christmas break as it will give me the chance to read some books that I've been meaning to get to.


158、Visiting a wildlife sanctuary to see animals in their winter habitat is a unique holiday experience. 參觀野生動物保護區,觀察動物在冬季生存環境中的狀況是一種獨特的節日體驗。


160、The dancers were like angels, spreading Christmas cheer and goodwill through their art.

161、Christmas break is the perfect chance to reconnect with old friends and make new memories.



164、The Christmas holiday is a time to appreciate the beauty of winter landscapes.

165、Christmas break is the perfect time to reconnect with our spirituality and reflect on our faith.


167、The performers danced with such passion and emotion that it touched the hearts of all who watched.

168、Hiking in a snowy national park is a peaceful way to spend a Christmas holiday. 在雪覆蓋的國家公園徒步旅行是一個平靜的過圣誕的方式。


170、I'm going to use the Christmas break to start a new fitness routine and prioritize my health and well-being.

171、The Christmas Waltz was a romantic and elegant dance number.





176、Watching a classic Christmas movie marathon by the fireplace is a cozy holiday tradition. 在壁爐前觀看經典的圣誕電影馬拉松是一個溫馨的節日傳統。

177、The Christmas break is a great time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the coming year.


179、The Christmas break is a wonderful opportunity to spend quality time with loved ones and create lasting memories.


181、Christmas break is a time for relaxation and self-care.

182、The dance was a joyful and festive tribute to the holiday season, filling everyone with warmth and love.


184、Christmas break is a time to reflect on our blessings and show appreciation for all that we have in our lives.

185、圣誕節放假,可以讓我們遠離工作壓力,安心享受一個美好而放松的假期。 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

