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2023-05-28 英語

地方保護主義 regional protectionism

地方財政包干制 system whereby local authorities take full responsibility for their finances

地區差異 regional disparity

地熱資源 geothermal resources

地市級城市 prefecture-level city

點子公司 consultancy company

電話號碼升位 upgrade telephone number

電話會議 teleconference

電視直銷 TV home shopping

電子商務認證 e-business certification

吊球 drop shot

吊銷執照 revoke license

釘子戶 person or household who refuses to move and bargains for unreasonably high compensation when the land is requisitioned for a construction project

定向培訓 training for specific posts

豆腐渣"工程 jerry-built project

毒梟 drug trafficker

獨立核算工業企業 independent accounting unit(enterprise)

"渡假外交" holiday-making diplomacy

短期債務 floating debt

斷交信 Dear John letter (from woman to man)

對...毫無顧忌 make no bones about ...

對沖基金 hedge fund

對外招商 attract foreign investment

隊長袖標(足球) skipper's armband

多黨合作制 multi-party co-operation in exercising State power

多任務小衛星 small multi-mission satellite (SMMS)

奪冠 take the crown


惡性通貨膨脹 hyperinflation

惡性循環 vicious circle

二板市場(創業板市場) second board on the country's stock market

二次創業 start a new undertaking

二進宮 to enter the palace a second time (people with a past criminal record again commits a crime, and is convicted and put into a correctional institution)

二流選手 scrub, second-rater

二元經濟 dual economy


發案率 incidence (of criminal cases)

發燒友 fancier; zealot; enthusiastic fan

發展不平衡 disparate development

發展是硬道理 Development is of overriding importance. / Development is the absolute need.

法治國家 a country under the rule of law

法制國家 a state with an adequate legal system

翻兩番 quadruple

反敗為勝 br

ing about a complete turnabout, pull out of the fire

反不正當競爭法 Law of the People's Republic of China Against Competition by Inappropriate Means

反腐倡廉 combat corruption and build a clean government

防抱死系統 ABS (anti-lock braking system)

防洪工程 flood-prevention project

房管 real estate management

放高球 lob

放下架子 to relinguish haungty airs; to get off one's high horse; throw off one's airs

放行單 release permit

飛毛腿(導彈)Scud missile

飛行藥檢 spot check

非對稱數字用戶環路 Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop (ADSL)

費改稅 transform administrative fees into taxes

分拆上市 A subsidiary company of a corporation is listed on the stock market.

分流 reposition of redundant personnel

分期付款 installment payment

分稅制 system of tax distribution

(產品)分銷 subunderwriting, distribution

粉領族 pink-collar tribe (Women who play major role in certain professions such as office workers, secretaries, models, airline hostesses, etc)

風險投資 venture capital; risk investment

瘋牛病 mad cow disease; bovine spongiform enceohalopathy (BSE)

鋒利扣殺 razor-sharp smash

封閉式基金 close-ended fund

封殺出局 force out

“封圣” canonization of "Saints"

福利彩票 welfare lotteries

福利分房 welfare-oriented public housing distribution system

浮動工資 floating wages; fluctuating wages

扶貧 poverty alleviation

覆蓋率 coverage rate

復式住宅duplex apartment; compound apartment (a type of residential housing that maximizes usable space by increasing the number of the storey building)


改制上市:An enterprise is re-organized according to modern corporate system so that it will get listed on the stock market.

感謝款待的信 a bread and butter letter (a letter sent as thanks for being treated well as someone's guest)

干部隊伍革命化、年輕化、知識化、專業化 make the ranks of cadres more revolutionary, younger in average age, better educated and professionally more competent

港人治港 Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong

高層次、全方位的對話 high-level and all-directional dialogue

高產優質 high yield and high quality

高度自治 high degree of autonomy

高官會 Senior Officials Meeting (SOM)

高級商務師 Certified Business Executive

高架公路 elevated highway; overhead road

高科技板塊 high-tech sector 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

Tags:工程   企業   經濟
